Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Development News-737 Pilot In Command Evolution

Wilco Publishing has just posted that an 'Evolution' style upgrade is to become available for the 737 Pilot In Command addon available for FSX and Fs2004 users. This is most likely to be very similar to the Airbus Volume 1 and 2 'Evolution' packages currently on the market.

What I suspect! 

I can see Wilco actually turning this already quite high quality product into something that competes at the top end of payware simulations. Probably not as high as the Level D 767 or the PMDG 737NGX , though I am confident that it will be somewhat better than the disappointing 'Evolution' upgrade that Wilco made for the Airbus volume 1 and 2 products. Stay tuned for further updates as they come to hand on the Wilco Publishing website.

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